Hearing Health Myths Debunked
When it comes to our hearing health, many of us have picked up
Have you noticed a change to your hearing? If so it’s possible that you are experiencing some form of hearing loss. Your first step should be to speak to an audiologist. They can complete a hearing test while also providing advice and support. With that in mind, here are some of the most common myths about hearing loss along with the facts.
Many people assume that hearing loss doesn’t progress overtime. This is not the case. Hearing loss can gradually progress. This can occur as you get older or if you continue to expose your ears to loud noises. This is why if you are experiencing hearing loss, you should take steps to protect your ears.
This could include wearing ear defenders in a loud environment or controlling the volume of the noise that you are exposed to. For instance, you might want to only use headphones and other devices at lower volumes. Using the right treatment can also prevent your hearing loss from progressing.
Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition which causes you to hear noises that aren’t actually there. The noise you hear can be anything from a whistling to a buzzing or a piece of music on repeat. This is usually caused by your ears being exposed to noises repeatedly at a higher volume than a safe volume. However, there are other causes as well. While tinnitus can result in hearing loss, this isn’t always the case.
That’s why if you have noticed the symptoms of this underlying condition, you should arrange a hearing test with an audiologist. They will check if you are experiencing any form of hearing loss. It is also possible that your form of tinnitus can be cured.
Certain forms of hearing loss can be cured. For instance, you might experience short-term hearing loss due to an ear infection or a buildup of earwax. Both these issues can be cured either with antibiotics or an ear cleaning. However, long-term hearing loss cannot be cured. That said, there are treatment options available that will help you manage your hearing loss. This is true regardless of whether you are experiencing tinnitus or hearing loss related to aging. Treatment is available in the form of therapy, counseling and hearing aids.
It can seem like hearing loss is rare. Particularly, if you are still young. However, this is not the case. Hearing loss is a lot more common than most people realize and affects millions of people across the world. If you are experiencing hearing loss, then you’re not alone. There are even support groups that you can consider joining. This is a great way of connecting with people who have first-hand experience of hearing loss and have a clear understanding of what you are going through.
The most common form of treatment for hearing loss is hearing aids. Hearing aids are available in a wide range of forms. The right hearing aids for you will depend on your level of hearing loss and the type of hearing loss that you are experiencing. Hearing aids amplify sounds, allowing you to hear more clearly without issues with distortion. Modern hearing aids also come with a wide range of technical features. This includes wireless technology that will allow you to connect your hearing aids directly to your other devices.
Finally, people often think that hearing loss is going to impact their quality of life. However, this is not the case. Thanks to advancements in medical technology, hearing loss can be treated. You just need to make sure that you do get support from an audiologist as soon as you notice a change to your hearing. This will help ensure that your hearing loss doesn’t progress any further.
We hope this helps you understand some of the key myths and facts surrounding hearing loss. By separating the truth from the fiction, you can gain a clearer understanding of this condition. Do you think that you might be experiencing a form of hearing loss? If so, then it’s important to get in touch with an audiologist. They can complete a hearing test to determine your level and type of hearing loss. To learn more contact, Hear in MetroWest at (774) 375-0373.
When it comes to our hearing health, many of us have picked up
Just like no two people are exactly alike, everyone experiences hearing
Hearing tests might seem like a complex puzzle, filled with different